
Tags: Thanksgiving

And Now… Balls

And Now… Balls

Dec 01, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

In Love, Not Limbo – Of Oceans Usually, around this time of year, you might hear the following conversation… Brida - Seamas - How orr you? Era shur… Gearing up for the holidays? Era shur… Ah to be sure? Era shur. Divil a bit, divil a bit. So usually you would hear that conversation an

TGIFTG… Turkey On!

Nov 29, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing2 Comments

Rollin’ & Scatchin’ (Chilly Gonzales Rework) – Daft Punk While Ireland is being battered by all angles at home, it seems, I too have some important news to start off with: Got a hair cut this week. As opposed to a haircut. Hairdressers truly do baffle me. Ask for one thing, forced to deal with the

Thanks For The… Fruit?

Nov 26, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Technically, today is Thanksgiving. Still the eve or the night before really as I still haven’t slept, but technically, it is Thanksgiving. On another technical note, it is also Thursday. Still feels like a Wednesday, but technically Thursday. Try as I might, all tomorrow will be for me, is Thursday. That I have a feeling