
Tags: The Hills

Comedy Store

The Insider’s Chancer Guide to Hollywood

  (Article of mine that was in the Examiner recently ->Read on!) For the sake of your holiday needs, I’m just going to assume you’re single/a young couple/just married and bored already thinking oh no I thought this would make my life more interesting but no/married with kids and wondering where it all went wrong

Weekend at Bernie’s

Weekend at Bernie’s

Sep 27, 2012LA Living, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing0 Comments

Running Up That Hill (Louis La Roche Remix) – Kate Bush Some things in L.A appear will never change. Not unless I do, anyway. Such as, people calling me by the wrong name over and over. Ever growing list at this stage. The usuals still apply. Merrick. Eric. Omar. Moved on a lot to Merk.

It’s Like Living The Life, You Know, Unreal…

Sep 06, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen So my younger sister Sarah has been in L.A for the past week. Finishing off her J1 summer. Final hurrah in L-Hey. Usually I dodge like a duck when people are in town. Tour guide duties are a full-time job. Single parent duties and all that. Plus, sometime people

Hey Ricky Bobby!!! I Love You Shwayze!!!

Hey Ricky Bobby!!! I Love You Shwayze!!!

Mar 12, 2009LA Living3 Comments

Great news… I’ve committed to an acting class. Verbally at least, I forgot to bring my credit card to actually pay. Starting April 2nd I’ll be going to Brian Reise for a month to six weeks at least, no more auditing, payment on. I just have to make sure the visa run works and I