Tags: Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs


Such A F$&@^!*KING CARROT!!

Robot High School – My Robot Friend All has be quiet on the wonderful blogaruu. Head down. Editing on. So far, so mighty. Soon ye shall see and read and laugh and weep and dance and be merry! Oh ’twill be a glorious day, to be true. Besides that, I have kept my venturing out to a

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

My plan for the weekend: Write. Big bucket load. That’s it. Back on the horse. Giddy back up. Stream of consciousness. Gibber on. Ramble. Flow. Let’s go! All that. So that was the plan! Pumped! Write on! Wuu! Here’s what I did instead…  Friday: Somehow somewhere at some point in the night I lost my ATM