
Tags: Vegas

Comfortably Dumb

Cause – Rodriguez So yesterday a couple of lights, bombs, bells and whistles exploded off in my head. It’s a been a while. Epiphany on. I was talking to a guy who asked me a simple enough question: What have you been doing lately? Rattled off the usual replies. This. That. The gibber. Grand. As

Do X, Y And Z! Or… Just Watch TV?

Mar 01, 2011Music, Random Ramblings, Writing6 Comments

Beat The Devil’s Tattoo – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Exciting news! Got a haircut the other day. How exciting! Thought I looked like a penguin after it. Imagine!? Put my face where the big white belly part of the penguin is… Go on the Penguin! Until I saw the Oscars last night. Realised I actually

Randumb Free Chapter!

Feb 16, 2011LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing0 Comments

Daddy Cool (Chris Moody & DJ Riz Remix) – Boney M LADIES... Big day. Main goal. Buy sheets for my bed. Using my hand towel as a pillow and bath towel for a blanket was getting a bit unrealistic. A damp bed is never fun. The two girls invited me along to Santa Monica to

Monkey Free Crap Fun!

Aug 21, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing6 Comments

Dancers. Islands. Yachts. Parts. Practice. Bathrooms. Some things are better private. Ehh… Numbers. Some things are not. One new addition to the better pile… Jets. Finally I can now confidently say: Private jets are the dancers of the air. Finally, says you. I know, says I. Giddy up! Assumption off. Jet on. Absolutely funking mighty. Planned on doing a blogaruu

Hang On, The Hangover?

Hang On, The Hangover?

Aug 11, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Isn’t that an ingenious title?! No? Thank you, only took me 2 songs to think of it. Anyways, I know I am about a year late, but I finally saw The Hangover tonight. And, to be honest, even though I was hoping it was going to live up to the hype, I thought it fell