
Tags: Visa

LonDumb – Part VI (Or, Am I Being Deported?)

Jan 29, 2013Book, LA Living, Mark Hayes, Music, RanDumb, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing2 Comments

Continuing on from… LonDumb – Part I  LonDumb – Part II  LonDumb – Part III LonDumb – Part IV LonDumb – Part V Pompeii – Bastille Eating all that paper. Not the best preparation for a flight back to America. Customs. Fully to the fore. What if they do what they did to Kailand?! But

LonDumb – Part V (Or… Why Did I Eat Paper?)

(Continuing on from… LonDumb – Part I LonDumb – Part II LonDumb – Part III LonDumb – Part IV) Walking On Broken Glass – Annie Lennox Pa Ranoid they might call me, if my name was Pa, Paddy, Pat or Patrick. Thankfully, it is none of the above. But I am paranoid. And I’m in a hotel lobby. On

High Five. You Goat. Hug My Ear.

Sep 10, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

One other downfall that I forgot to mention yesterday, with regards to DJ’ing, is that the day after, I feel highly hungover. Even more so when I don’t drink. Completely wrecked. And end up having the productivity levels of a sleeping goat. Like I did all day today. I’m not going to harp on again about the


Sep 07, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings0 Comments

To all those who have stuck with the blog through the dark ages of being back in Ireland, I have some good news. The light is beginning to shine at the end of the tunnel. After a long and em, fun wait for the past few weeks, I finally had my visa appointment on Friday.

Hello, Small Talk, Goodbye. Hello Again!

Sep 04, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings0 Comments

Today has been spent taking care of annoying little errands, in preparation for tomorrow. Which I achieved, surprisingly, with immense efficiency. All went to plan. Big day tomorrow. I’ll give you a clue… starts with v, ends with ah. I and agra in the middle. A new batch is being delivered in the morning, hopefully. As

Fail Whale

Sep 03, 2009Ireland, Music, Writing0 Comments

Yesterday, writing wise at least, was fairly productive. I must admit I felt invigorated having a project to get stuck into. As I bounced out of bed this morning, I had high hopes for another day of the same. These hopes were quickly dashed. Checking emails first thing in the morning might have to be cut out of my routine. First email was from my accountant. In case you might not know, technically speaking, I have my own translation company. A checkered past. If you need any documents translated from German to English, you now know who to come to. I specialize in gun manuals as well. Strange but true.

Hang On, The Hangover?

Hang On, The Hangover?

Aug 11, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Isn’t that an ingenious title?! No? Thank you, only took me 2 songs to think of it. Anyways, I know I am about a year late, but I finally saw The Hangover tonight. And, to be honest, even though I was hoping it was going to live up to the hype, I thought it fell



Aug 06, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Today, I watched a lot of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Maybe 4 episodes of each. Which is a fair amount when you are not just watching them. More studying the episodes really. Anyways, after all that, I was a bit spaced out of it throughout the day. So much so, I decided to throw my

V. Sa. Para. Noia

Jul 30, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

I do not know where the day goes, particularly when I feel I get bob all accomplished. Such as today. I decided I would spend the entire day devoted to getting my visa issues sorted. Trying to iron them out so that I could move on to more fun activities like writing my funking sitcom



Jul 28, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Have you ever seen The NeverEnding Story? I am sure you have. If not, you missed out, still not too late I suppose. This scene came into my head today, at numerous stages… Today, I was drudging through my own swamp! On paper, numerous things looked like they would be swiftly and easily dealt

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