Tags: Vlogaruu



As your keen eye may or may not have noticed, multiple media mediums are currently being experimented with. Practicing. Tweaking. Whuring. Trials. Along with buckets of errors. Trial on! So seeing as I am horsing out the multitudes of gibber, might as well throw a new vlogaruu into the mix. Wuu huu! Blog. Vlog. Pod-g. Next stop… Fog!?! Hilarious.

Got Stood Up?

Got Stood Up?

Last week I finally giddied back up on the horse. Stand up sit down one. Aboot time. One might say. She has been a while. By my reckoning a couple months shy of a year. Long enough. Day of the show. Usual gibber… Ah shur I don’t actually even like doing it (Still debatable whether