
Tags: Washed Out

Mr Jones!

Oct 19, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

I realize I have an annoying problem. Well, one more to the list. Have you ever started something, then finished it just for the sake of finishing it? No other reason. You do not want to finish what you’ve started. But for some dumb reason, you feel like you have to. For example, you take

Day Dreaming, Night Writing

Day Dreaming, Night Writing

Aug 26, 2009Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

If you have never heard of Tim Ferris, or the Four Hour Work Week, I highly recommend checking him and his website out. Then again, if you were to recommend the same thing to me, I probably would not do it at first. Seeing as a buddy did tell me the exact same thing at