Tags: Yacht In The Sky

Planet Bluto

Aug 02, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode Quite clearly you do not want to hear what’s it been like down the writing well this week. How one kind of goes slightly mental down there. In my defence, I am spending a lot of time with myself. In my head. Alone. Me and Irene. Cackling away. My gibber

The Death Of Pointless Notes

Sep 03, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Two age old conundrums which have confused apes for never: Which is more important, petrol or cake? Tough one. Good one. And the other… What does a bucket and a chariot have in common? That is a tad easier. Starts with an M and ends with an ape. Wuu. Lucky them! If you have been