
Lets Not Get Physical, Physical

Jun 17, 20090 CommentsRandom Ramblings, Writing

Earlier today I was going through some notes of mine, looking for something tremendously insightful and witty  I presume. Which I could not locate. Instead, I saw the bones of this scenario, which I had forgotten about. Has this ever happened to you… You unexpectedly bump into someone you know. Small talk, long time no see, yeah, too long, etc. Then, they get a phone call, and begrudgingly take it, pointing to the phone the whole time, eyes to heaven, sigh, sigh, as if they are dying to get off the phone to whoever it is. You’re standing there, waiting, passively listening to the call, when you get a sense of deja vu. That conversation sounds familiar.

Excuses are made and the person gets off the phone, finishing up with a dismissive “Yeah, definitely, I’ll call you about it, yeah yeah, definitely.” You wonder who that was, so politely enquire… Who was that? “This dope/idiot/annoying person I know, I’ve been avoiding him/her.” Oh right. Right. Then, thinking about it to yourself, it starts to dawn on you, as you slowly remember, that the last phone conversation which you had with the person you just unexpectedly bumped into, was more or less the exact same as that one.

Obviously that never happened to me or anything. Obviously. Pointless really, but I need to keep a written track of this pointless crap. It leads on to other stuff.

Moving on, in the physical world today, not a lot was accomplished. Eat, gym, and shower, were top three main activities. However, in the telephone and internet worlds, of this world, progress was made on a lot of fronts!  And by progress, I suppose I do mean baby steps. However, then again, I have eaten humble pie a good while back now and realized I have to start small and move up. Baby steps all the way!

Blog – Book Plan: Publishers are now reading over articles and seeing if they might be interested in going further with it. Progress is being made.

Blog – Sitcom Plan: A meeting with a television station to discuss the project has been provisionally arranged for next week. Progress on!

Injection of money for return to L.A: Took an unexpected turn in the right direction today, must look into it further though. However, initial signs are highly promising. Especially for the blog, seeing as, in all honesty, its legs are back in L.A.

Possibility of manager in L.A when I get back: I was contacted further today about how I’d like to be introduced to her (?). Not too sure what that actually means, but seems to be a move in the right way. Still not sure though. I asked if me popping out of a cake would be appropriate, so I’ll see what kind of response I get. And, apparently she is also Mos Def’s manager (or ex, they might have broken up). Not too sure why, but to me that seems like a good thing. Also not sure why I was actually told that too though. 

That paragraph above mentions “not”, “too” and “sure” far too many times, now that I re-read it. Also one of the least pressing issues of mine at the moment. Although it would be handy. However, as with any lead like that before, the minute I am asked for a headshot, I quickly stumble and falter. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet, suck in my cheeks, and get them done. Or, as will happen, perhaps not.

It was also mentioned to me about trying to get my script made into a short movie, or an indie film perhaps. Apparently, that kind of thing is easier to get made, than a sitcom, so more food for thought. People seem to be more willing to fund movies these days. Which made me remember, that the writer/director of In Bruges, started off (in movies at least) doing a short movie, to see if he could do it. And won an Oscar for it. Which, lead to him making In Bruges. So, more possible routes are opening up. Adaptable all the way, the more the merrier!

And, final bit of progress made so far today, was that I also did further research into my plan. The plan on how to get more people involved into whichever project will be brought forward and developed further. If anyone was interested, obviously. It is looking well. The foundations are there. A small token. Time to raise peoples spirits. A bit. And obviously benefit myself a bit too. People helping the people kind of thing.

All in all, a moral of the story, might be that a lot can be achieved by sitting in more or less the exact same spot all day. Which, I presume, is why so much work gets done in offices all over the world, every single day.

Finishing up on a similar note, my buddy kindly observed to me today, out of the blue, how he could see why people actually would read the blog… “I was thinking, a lot of people would be bored senseless at work alright, they’d read anything”. No, shaking my head in disagreement, not at all. They read it for the quality and the humour of the blogaruu. Just not really this one today, but some of the others ar… I didn’t get to finish my last sentence though. He was too busy on the phone to some dope.

Song of this office style, draining day…

Hurry Up And Wait by The Stereophonics


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