
Tags: Change

My Piece of Crap Joke #19 (Also: Edit)

My Piece of Crap Joke #19 (Also: Edit)

Float – KO KO Ever get into a machine mode? As in you are Charlie Sheen’s Mum? (Ma Sheen. Get it? Hilarious.) Today was one of those days. Mighty. Dawn to dawn. (Nice girl.) Got some amount of buckets of work done. As in… Well, nothing concrete that I will bore you with now. But,

Check. Please. Balls.

May 06, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

I’m a big fan of finding a gem of a song. Particularly if it’s a mostly unknown beast. Although I won’t lie. At times, I like to keep them a secret. Shh. Unleash during a DJig perhaps. Dodging and ducking trainspotters. Out with their phones. Ready to scribble down. Which song? This song? Or the

Chimping Away

Chimping Away

Jul 01, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

I do believe that more people in Ireland should be on Twitter. And here is why… the number one question I have been asked in a hurry, since I got home, has been – “Are you on Meteor?” (For any none Irish readers, Meteor customers get free phone calls and texts to each other). I