
Tags: Facebook

12000+ Downloads. Yee Huu. Thank Duu!

12000+ Downloads. Yee Huu. Thank Duu!

Super Morrissey Bros – Lazyitis Since we last gibbered, there has been some mighty dancing. Books. Flying. Shelves. Off. Into. People. Eyes. Bodies. Minds. Souls. RanDumber came out. RanDumb got an Amazon push. Twelve thousand people downloaded the dancer in the first three days. A fairy’s tale. Infected with my feck. Spreading the good word. #1

Toe-Knee! Tow-Me! Eh… Tony!

Dec 09, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing3 Comments

Apparently, the average Josephine Soap is more likely to come running to your aid if you shout out ‘Fire, fire!’ as opposed to ‘Help, yelp!’. Apparently. As long as you don’t make it sound like you’re daring your mugger with a gun to shoot. In which case you might be screwed. Another similar sounding word

Chimping Away

Chimping Away

Jul 01, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

I do believe that more people in Ireland should be on Twitter. And here is why… the number one question I have been asked in a hurry, since I got home, has been – “Are you on Meteor?” (For any none Irish readers, Meteor customers get free phone calls and texts to each other). I

Ha, You’re An Idiot. Seriously.

Ha, You’re An Idiot. Seriously.

Jun 02, 2009LA Living, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Strangely, the following two incidents occurred within minutes of each other earlier today. Firstly, I made a cup of coffee, but boiled the kettle without checking. Lo and behold, there was exactly half a cup’s worth of water for coffee. An exact half cup. I looked at the cup for a few minutes. Wondering about