
Tags: Hangover

A Jester’s Gesture

Nov 02, 2010Art, Ireland, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Indian Sun – Mean Lady Halloween truly is the mightiest of them all in L-Hey. Complete dancer of a weekend! Unfortunately. What goes up must tumble stumble and spiral all the way down. Now feeling absolutely battered. Normal blogaruu will follow along. Can barely raise a smile en ce moment. However. Poems have been oddly

Gazing With Boars

Feb 02, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Without really realising it, it went from being Friday, to being Tuesday. You could say the past few days have been a bit of a daze. You could. But not really true. More that I’ve just been in a daze. For the past few days. I know why too. But I’ll get back to that.

Bob Hope, Bob Dole, and Bob Hoff!

Jun 22, 2009Music, Writing0 Comments

I have yet to see the movie “The Hangover”. However, I have been told it is brilliant, hilarious, and some other complimentary adjective which eludes my tired brain at this point. So, after waking up this morning, it is safe to say that the movie is in no way related to, or set in, Ireland.