
Tags: Led Zeppelin

#13 – The Librarian Joke

#13 – The Librarian Joke

Great vague news: Mighty day! Wuu huu wahey. White abyss. Over. But enough about that gibber that makes little sense unless you live in my head. Mighty place. Back to the good stuff, the gold, the honey, the marbles: Joke of the Day – Wahey! Wild Ones (Shoe Scene Symphony Remix) – Sia Lost

#12 – Italian Joke

#12 – Italian Joke

Busy day. Still waiting on final confirmation before chapters get horsed up. Until then let us enjoy another absolutely wonderful video: Joke of the Day – Wahey! All Those Moments (Marek Hemmann Remix) – Moornyc

#11 – Fast Joke

#11 – Fast Joke

Quick one today. And by quick, I mean horren- Enjoy: Joke of the Day – Wahey! This Head I Hold – Electric Guest

#10 – Shin Joke

#10 – Shin Joke

Now then. Great news. Spent the weekend reading RanDumber. Top to bottom. Inside. Out. Trout. Mouth. And. Now. She. Is. Done. So. Wuu. Huu. And. Duu! On that note… Who would like to read some teaser chapters?? First off – Ten and then!?! She’s back: Joke of the Day – Wahey! I Want To Break

Is That A Puddle? No, Befuddle

Jan 08, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Won’t lie. Writing a book. Is. Tough. Kind of like studying. And at the same dumb time, kind of not at all. Kind of like it as in my hours are now completely all over the shop. 6 in the morn appears to be my new time to go to bed. Which is fine. Body