
Tags: The Alchemist

Hey Boss… Where Me Worms?!

Aug 10, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing8 Comments

Far too much of today has been spent being far too confused. Someone changing the layout of my blogaruu… What was that aboot? That guy in Trader Joe’s who just drove his car into a bush next to me… ? That girl who started sobbing while ringing up my food at the till… ? That

Prison Break

Prison Break

Jun 14, 2009Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Unless I am mistaken, Cork, as in the city itself, is not actually a prison. Except, obviously, for the actual prison that is here. Besides that though, there are no physical barriers to prevent one from leaving. Mental barriers seem to be the only problems that might stop somebody for leaving. I wasn’t out on probation