
Tags: The Road Less Traveled

Free The RanDumber Chapter – Yee Huu!

Because The Night – Patti Smith Chapter 19 First. Ever. Shhh… Did I ever tell you I’m a fan of the crust? The heel. You know, the start and end parts of a loaf of bread. Whichever name you want to call that rose. Lot of folk don’t like it at all. But I’m a

Hey Boss… Where Me Worms?!

Aug 10, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing8 Comments

Far too much of today has been spent being far too confused. Someone changing the layout of my blogaruu… What was that aboot? That guy in Trader Joe’s who just drove his car into a bush next to me… ? That girl who started sobbing while ringing up my food at the till… ? That

Land Of Perplexion

Jan 25, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings4 Comments

Recently I’ve been asked to do a couple of articles for Irish publications of various sorts. Big shot. Huge. Ape. Massive. All asking for the same angle. Life in L.A. Along with a few photos. No worries. Jot down a few adventures. Shillings. Hook me up. Not realising that they all actually meant something else.

Hey Day, It’s Not You, It’s Me.

Oct 14, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Now and again people like to pass the buck along. Blame someone else, if something doesn’t go our way. Lately, I’ve gone down an alternative route. I have taken to blaming stuff on the day. ‘Mondays are brutal, so slow.’ Followed the next day by…‘What? Another slow day?!’ Today started off not so bad. Unfortunately in



Jul 19, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing4 Comments

It has been a week of numbers. Hit and miss. A fruitless week might be another good way to describe it. Well, maybe a few nuggets of productivity, scattered amongst a field of frustration and stop-starts. However, it was Tuesday  that started my decline, from which I never fully recovered. Literally I had a fairly

Prison Break

Prison Break

Jun 14, 2009Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Unless I am mistaken, Cork, as in the city itself, is not actually a prison. Except, obviously, for the actual prison that is here. Besides that though, there are no physical barriers to prevent one from leaving. Mental barriers seem to be the only problems that might stop somebody for leaving. I wasn’t out on probation