Tags: The xx
My Bleak Week.
July – Mundy Bleak. Reek. Eek. What a week. Funk me, eh, peek. So I’m out Sunday night doing stand-up in a placed called Flappers out in Burbank. Sound people in charge. No apeness. No ridiculousness going on back stage. All good. First time doing a gay centric show. Didn’t realise it was one untilREAD MORE
Enough Talk, More Music!!!
DJigging can be quite perky. Lately I’ve been getting a fair bit of stuff. Free stuff. Wallets. Bags. Runners. Jeans. T-shirts! Perk up. Free on! Between you and I, I also got something else recently… No, not one of them… Merely a brain cloud. Wuu! I joke. Not a fan. Gladly swap for an hour longREAD MORE
The Royal Rambles
Texts. Wonderful little things. If for no other reason than keeping a timeline. Remind you of certain things. Blurry events. Shorter form of the blogaruu to be true. Which my memory would be completely lost without. Unfortunately. If a few days go by. Without blogging on. Particularly when a fair old whack has gone on.READ MORE
Enough Talk, More Music!!!
Currently. Sitting on a wooden step. Top of my stairs. Trying in vain to watch the tie breaker between Federer and Murray. Keep losing the wireless signal. My house is a skeletor. Bare. Empty. Nada. Moving apartments this weekend. I move tomorrow. Travel light. Two suitcases. A desk. My roommate has everything else. Moved toREAD MORE
V-No. Bi-O. Eh, No.
My assignment was pretty straightforward… ‘Could you please supply a short bio note that can be used for press releases and the cover of your book. Roughly about 100 words. You can decide if you want to be either light hearted or just stick to the chronological facts.’ Sounds pretty easy, should take me aREAD MORE