Category: Enough Talk

Dumb Roll Please… 300. And. 1!

Oct 11, 2010Enough Talk, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book16 Comments

 Dumb roll please… Dum Dum Dumb! Momentous occasion of complete and utter unimportance… 300th blogaruu! Growing up, pushing on, going senile! Completely irrelevant. Fully unimportant. Unless you’re a bit of a mnarc. Obviously. So you decide you need to mark this occasion by doing something different. Such as your first reading vlogaruu. Well done. Mighty idea! 300th

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

My plan for the weekend: Write. Big bucket load. That’s it. Back on the horse. Giddy back up. Stream of consciousness. Gibber on. Ramble. Flow. Let’s go! All that. So that was the plan! Pumped! Write on! Wuu! Here’s what I did instead…  Friday: Somehow somewhere at some point in the night I lost my ATM

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

DJigging can be quite perky. Lately I’ve been getting a fair bit of stuff. Free stuff. Wallets. Bags. Runners. Jeans. T-shirts! Perk up. Free on! Between you and I, I also got something else recently… No, not one of them… Merely a brain cloud. Wuu! I joke. Not a fan. Gladly swap for an hour long

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Aug 30, 2010Enough Talk, Enough Talk More Music!!!, LA Living, More Music!!!, Music2 Comments

Mighty weekend of DJigging. Go on the rent! 16 hours of jigging later. Pre-tty musique’d out. Only one thing to do… Write an old music blogaruu! Obviously. Buckets of blogaruus piling up. Time to churn. Splatter on. Mighty night last night, music wise at least. People exclaiming. Gushing throughout… ‘This is the greatest music night

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Aug 14, 2010Enough Talk, Enough Talk More Music!!!, More Music!!!, Music0 Comments

Here’s an unfortunate correlation: Fuller days. Hungrier blogaruu. Tut tut. Catch up on. Few nuts to shell out. Apparently. Graced the sheets of a big magazine this week. Howdy! Or something like that. Looking well I’ve been told. Headless. Body only. Few chins. Better off. Butter heads are better. Or something like that. Nut on.

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Rumours are true. Call me a bender. Of the truth. Intended on le vlogaruu being ready. However. Music and dancing are dominating. DJigging like a mad woman at the moment. So instead of having nothing up until the vlog is ready, music blogaruu all the way. Fill those gaps of Dunloe. Something something is better than

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Remember the days the blogaruu was popping off on a daily basis? Remember that?! Fun days. Where has it all gone wrong. Or right. Past two weeks have been quite quiet on le blogaruu. Good for me, bad for you. Seeing this means more than likely doing something ridiculous, fun and surreal all together at

Buy My Soul!

May 20, 2010Enough Talk, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Uncategorized, Writing8 Comments

Monday was a mighty day. Ridiculous. Raised the limbo of mightiness. On every level. Honestly. One of the randumbest days I’ve had ever. Buckets of fun. Buckets of no way. Buckets and buckets of funking nuts. More nuts. And then even more nuts. All fun and games. Until I got punched. In the buttock. And

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Losing your drive is a balls. Especially if it affects your… eh. At least there’s viagra for that. Not too sure why. But as of late. I have lost my drive to scribble down my gibberish. Blogaruu has taken a back seat. Missing chapters. Which is a balls. Particularly as more has been going on, since

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

Saturday morning. Coffee meeting. Talent manager. Re de de. Might be something. Could be nothing. We. Shall. See. We me, same difference. Sit down. How’s she cutting. Thanks for the coffee. Rar diddy rar. Big. Dumb. Gulp. Burn, scald, dribble, dumb. Once again, not again. Holy funk. Tongue on fire. Throat on hold. Eyes watering.

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