
Enough Talk, More Music!!!

My plan for the weekend: Write. Big bucket load. That’s it. Back on the horse. Giddy back up. Stream of consciousness. Gibber on. Ramble. Flow. Let’s go! All that. So that was the plan! Pumped! Write on! Wuu! Here’s what I did instead… 

Friday: Somehow somewhere at some point in the night I lost my ATM card. Dose. Realised this aboot 5 in the morn. On the phone until 7 to my bank trying to cancel my card. Finally canceled my card. Slept. Woke up. Found my card. Wuu.

Saturday: Productivity highlight was probably gibbering together this joke: What do you call an old guy who scores 3 goals in a game… ? Jerry hat trick! Oh Jesus. Worked out a new stand-up angle: Fairy tales gone wrong… Tales from a fairy!!!

Sunday: Bought a bulb. (That’s today’s highlight… ? Yes. Well done. Thank you).

Quite an amazing weekend of writing. Brutal beyond belief! On the upside, the bulb is for my desk light. Light back on… Write back on?! Hopefully it’ll be better than this muck. Muck on. Better than none!?! Anyways, enough talk, more music!

1. The Band Marches On – Ghostland Observatory

Random Useless Fact: First album was called ‘delete. delete. i. eat. meat.’ Although apparently they don’t make albums… ‘We make trotlines : hook after hook after hook after hook.’ But of course!

2. What You Know (LightsoverLA Remix) – Two Door Cinema Club

R.U.F: Apparently LightsoverLA real name is ‘Stormy Logan’. What what?!

3. Garden (Jesse Rose Remix) - Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs

R.U.F: The son of an Oxford University music professor.  Apparently his real name is Orlando Dinosaur. Sure. Also. Dinosaurs became extinct approximately 65 million years ago. 

4. La Musica – Munk

R.U.F: If you’re looking for an ‘ironic 90′s Italo Beach House song’ you found it! Munk is the son of a German avant-garde music composer and an Italian singer. One more… He plays all instruments on his new E.P himself: Piano, keys, bass, guitar, drums, xylophone. Multi-tasking all the way! Munki-tasking… ? No? Ok.

5. DJ, Ease My Mind – Niki & The Dove

R.U.F: According to themselves, they ‘sometimes sound like a young unicorn and sometimes like an old drum.’ Drum on!

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