Enough Talk, More Music!!!


How gutting was the Irish match last night. Ridiculous. How bad is my hangover. Very. How brief will this intro be. Brief… enough talk, more music!!!


The Drums

Song 1: Let’s Go Surfing – The Drums

This song is pretty funking catchy. And good. Hints of The Cure and Joy Division, mixed with surf-rock. NME have called them ‘New York’s Coolest New Band.’

Random Useless Fact: Actually come from Florida

Matias Aguayo

Song 2: Rollerskate – Matias Aguayo

Have you ever gotten the urge to go roller-skating?! Me neither. However, the thought of it does briefly enter my head while listening to this song.

R.U.F: Likes to throw bumbumbox parties – unannounced street parties in Buenos Aires.


Song 3: Get Mama A House – Teddybears

There are too many good bands coming out of Sweden. Here is another one, with a new song.

R.U.F: This song began as a television ad jingle!

Nid And Sancy

Song 4: My Agitator (Headshotboyz Remix) – Nid And Sancy

Stumbled upon this song somewhere and even though it has taken me a week or so, I am now a fan. I think the bleeps and bass line have reeled me in.

R.U.F: They were forced to cancel a tour as their entire backline was stolen while playing a gig in London. Backline, equipment, tomato, potato.

Jesus Christ (The Indie Band)

Song 5: Is This Really What You Want? – Jesus Christ (The Indie Band)

The name of a band threw me off at first. Weird song as well. In a good way though. It has been a hungover choice of music.

R.U.F: Prefer to be described as a ‘sound project.’

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