
Tags: Accent


PreDumb Out Now Unofficially On The QT

In case you didn’t know, my new book PreDumb: Before I Came to LA is now out, online so far at least. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, all the usual haunts. Click on the links to go forth and have a gander. Otherwise go into your nearest book store and demand the speed up their orders.

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Half Naked, Half Leprechaun, One Third Potato

Can’t beat being on the front page of a newspaper wearing a leprechaun hat. Couldn’t find a version online so here’s the original gibber. Recent radio interview too where I ramble on and on and on. New book PREDUMB out soon. Narcissistic levels reaching new high. Mountain Dew – The Clancy Brothers Blacks, whites, Asians,

Come On You Boys & Girls In Green…

Come On You Boys & Girls In Green…

Everybody’s Gotta Live – Love Ever look out the window and wonder who was the handsome feck staring back at you and then you realise that the window is actually a mirror??! That happened. Ever been DJigging and a randumb Irish guy comes up to you to say “Are you the guy from Cork? Your

The Mermaid Man

Oct 04, 2011LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Stand-Up, Writing2 Comments

Mercy – Edit Murphy So yesterday was the West Hollywood Book Fair. And it went mighty! Ish. Slightly mighty. Good hoot. Bar getting the boot. Kicked out a book fair. Harsh. So I head down to the fair. Told I’m in this area where other writers are also set up. Stage. Mic. Table. Old people. Lots

I Am A Sex

Jan 28, 2011Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing0 Comments

Snake Charmer – Bag Raiders No doubt you will remember well from ages ago in the blog, I quoted a line from Whoopi in Sister Act 2. Remember that? Obviously. You know… “If you wake up thinking about singing, then you are a singer.” Whatever you think about all day is what you are, kind of

You Are America?

Dec 20, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings0 Comments

Round And Round - Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti Yesterday. Day of confusion. Fun times. Yet again, one of life’s great mysteries reared its peculiar head:

Got Stood Up?

Got Stood Up?

Last week I finally giddied back up on the horse. Stand up sit down one. Aboot time. One might say. She has been a while. By my reckoning a couple months shy of a year. Long enough. Day of the show. Usual gibber… Ah shur I don’t actually even like doing it (Still debatable whether