
Tags: Beverly Hills

Comedy Store

The Insider’s Chancer Guide to Hollywood

  (Article of mine that was in the Examiner recently ->Read on!) For the sake of your holiday needs, I’m just going to assume you’re single/a young couple/just married and bored already thinking oh no I thought this would make my life more interesting but no/married with kids and wondering where it all went wrong

Mark Hayes Irish Independent

LA State of Mind (And Body) So, one minute you’re at Starbucks in Beverly Hills waiting in line for your skinny café mocha frappe latte gibber, listening to two beautiful girls in tight yoga apple bottom pants talk to each other with their big voluptuous lips about how one uses cider vinegar in her beautiful blond hair and the other


Aug 21, 2012Art, Hollywood, LA Living, Mark Hayes, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Writing2 Comments

Sit Down – James “For most writers, there is always a tension between a lived life and a life of writing.” A Hodgkinson Fair point. So after being a hermit for a while, the past two weeks have been spent galavanting. Full. On. Fun! Unfortunately little time spent blogaruuing. Luckily. A picture paints a thousand

So There I Was… P’Peuu Pe’Peww!

Apr 19, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Got Some Teeth – Obie Trice So there I was… DJigging. Rodeo Drive. Ivanka Trump party. Showcasing her new jewelry collection. Diamonds crusts everywhere. Swanky. Classy. Plus. Me. Suited. Booted. Looking slick at least. Kitted out in my mighty Reiss suit. Perk of DJigging fashion events. Free clothes! Dancing. Although. Tad tight. Slim-fit-as-funk kind of tight suit. Anyways.

Speak? Easy… Hubulla!

Mar 24, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing2 Comments

I wonder. And I ponder. A lot. And a fair bit. This. That. Gibber. Even more wondering and pondering shall be going on now that I have decided to cut all kinds of worry. Pointless. Not just mine. Others. Udders. Everyone’s. Too much worry floating aboot. No need for mine to clog up the system

Halfway… Hiberna… Duuper!

Nov 30, 2009Uncategorized0 Comments

Let’s just say Ireland was like rehab. A recovery period. Quiet. Peaceful. Not much temptation. Not much to do. Few distractions. Normality. Regular way of life. Now let’s just say L.A is the complete opposite. Beyond belief the complete opposite. I think the mistake I made initially was coming straight back into the bizarre but