
Tags: Blur

Lazing On A Sunny Afternoon

Sunny Afternoon – The Kinks Well, it was actually cloudy. Bad start. It was Sunday though, yesterday in fact. And I was lazing. Full on. Pants off. Couch on. Watching The Masters on TV. Adam Scott and Angel Cabrera battling it out for the green jacket. It’s about half three in the afternoon. Tired enough

LonDumb – Part IV (Or… Kneed A Dwarf In The Face.)

(Continuing on from… LonDumb – Part I LonDumb – Part II LonDumb – Part III) Parklife – Blur “Want some skunk geezer?” Pardon? “Some skunk?” Do I want a skunk? “Yeah. Want to buy?” Why would I buy a skunk? “You being funny?” Am I being funny? “You is being funny, pretty boy.” Oh Jesus. So I get

Come On You Boys & Girls In Green…

Come On You Boys & Girls In Green…

Everybody’s Gotta Live – Love Ever look out the window and wonder who was the handsome feck staring back at you and then you realise that the window is actually a mirror??! That happened. Ever been DJigging and a randumb Irish guy comes up to you to say “Are you the guy from Cork? Your

Flash Gordon

Apr 23, 2010Acting, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Let’s pretend today’s Monday. Ok. Where was I… oh yeah, flashbacks have been flooding in all day. Flashes of all kinds. Time to fill in the blanks. Funny old weekend. Getting back on track. Good chunk of buddies giddied up to Coachella for the weekend. Back to my solo Joe galavanting. Turned out a treat.

#1040 in Maxim’s Hot 100

#1040 in Maxim’s Hot 100

May 15, 2009LA Living2 Comments

The past 36 hours have been eventful enough, at times, so I’ll write in blocks of events, perhaps even split the posts up, who knows, we’ll see how it goes!  I’ll start with Wednesday night, the big Maxim party I was invited along to, ish. My buddy seems to have a meddle of jobs, including