
Tags: Book Two

RanDumber. Out Now. Free Book! Happy St. Pa’Tricks Day!

Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners I am quite giddy and also quite tired but both and neither matter. What matters is that RanDumber being available to buy online on Paddy’s Day is now a reality. Oh. Betsy. Dancing! Some day! HAPPY ST. PA’TRICKS HAYES ALL THE WAY!!! As it stands, it’s available to

Why Do You Like Riding Hippos?

Why Do You Like Riding Hippos?

Nov 18, 2011Ireland, Random Ramblings, RanDumber, Writing6 Comments

An Argument With Myself – Jens Lekman Sometimes a YouTube video can evoke so many questions: Who are these people? Is there actually a child in that pram? Why does he like riding hippos? What is the difference between liking someone and fancying them? How big is his chest? Saw this gem a few years


Jul 20, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Randumb Book, Writing4 Comments

Big Bad Wolf – Duck Sauce Carmaggedon: Some spoof. Never seen the roads so quiet. Hollywood hype! Waste of a shotgun. End of the world will have to wait. Me: Some idiot. Have you ever tried to take shortcuts, even though you’ve never been in the place before? Some clown. Driving back from a gig

Going Robe…

Jun 30, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

We Are The Champions – Mariachillout Quiet old week. On the blogaruu at least. In the surreal world, busy as usual. Vital stuff too. Such as: My ability to somehow provoke strangers into instant dislike. Going strong. Other night in the gym. Quiet enough. Only two others in there. Finishing up. About to leave. iPod