Tags: Book Two
RanDumber. Out Now. Free Book! Happy St. Pa’Tricks Day!
Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners I am quite giddy and also quite tired but both and neither matter. What matters is that RanDumber being available to buy online on Paddy’s Day is now a reality. Oh. Betsy. Dancing! Some day! HAPPY ST. PA’TRICKS HAYES ALL THE WAY!!! As it stands, it’s available to
Why Do You Like Riding Hippos?
An Argument With Myself – Jens Lekman Sometimes a YouTube video can evoke so many questions: Who are these people? Is there actually a child in that pram? Why does he like riding hippos? What is the difference between liking someone and fancying them? How big is his chest? Saw this gem a few years
Big Bad Wolf – Duck Sauce Carmaggedon: Some spoof. Never seen the roads so quiet. Hollywood hype! Waste of a shotgun. End of the world will have to wait. Me: Some idiot. Have you ever tried to take shortcuts, even though you’ve never been in the place before? Some clown. Driving back from a gig
Going Robe…
We Are The Champions – Mariachillout Quiet old week. On the blogaruu at least. In the surreal world, busy as usual. Vital stuff too. Such as: My ability to somehow provoke strangers into instant dislike. Going strong. Other night in the gym. Quiet enough. Only two others in there. Finishing up. About to leave. iPod