
Tags: Confusion

You’re F**King Joking Me?

What’s Going On? – Marvin Gaye So the other day I got this wonderful letter in the post from a blogaruu reader which I thought I would reply to… ‘Howdy, Just wanted to say great hair! Also. What have you been up to lately? Goodbye for now, Murk Waters.’ Howdy yourself, Murk Waters, great to

You Are America?

Dec 20, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings0 Comments

Round And Round - Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti Yesterday. Day of confusion. Fun times. Yet again, one of life’s great mysteries reared its peculiar head:

What? Who? Me?!

May 23, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings0 Comments

Sitting outside McDonalds, at a bus stop, waiting for a cab. No clue where we were, dropped off at some turn off the freeway. Sitting. Waiting. Patiently. Next minute, a police car whips into the curb in front of me. Followed by about four more. Oh Jesus. What’s going on here? Cops jump out of

Which? Shuu!

Feb 15, 2010Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings1 Comments

As far as weekends go, this one has been pretty different. Break from the abnorm. Different location. San Fran. Different buzz. Cousin’s wedding. Different group. All Irish. Almost. All family. Almost. Big crowd made the trip from Irland. Smugglers. Bags of tea. Bottles of fake tan. Hello old foe. Different. Mighty. My parents were over.

Stand Under It? I Don’t… Oh Right.

Nov 18, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Something happened yesterday that still has me baffled. I don’t really know how it happened. Or if it was my fault or not. I just know that it happened. Don’t really understand it though. This has led to a flood of other things cropping up in my head which have occurred recently where even though

Am I?

Jul 31, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Hypothetically speaking, if people kept coming up to you, trying to give you letters, thinking you were a postman, would you at some point, question if you were actually a postman? No. How about if when you were out during the day, and people kept giving you their change, as they thought you were homeless.