
Tags: Dancing

Hollywood Hayes

Hollywood Hayes – Old People

You see a lot of things in West Hollywood. Today, for example, I saw a hefty, blimp shaped man wearing nothing but a long brown wig and pink thong bikini while cycling his bicycle. Always nice when you’re strolling to the shop for milk. Hardly ever see old people here, though. Not like the sweet


PreDumb – Before I Came To LA

The Boys Are Back In Town – Thin Lizzy Great news RanDummies and randumb readers: I’ve a new book on the way! It is called, PreDumb – Before I Came To LA Fabulous tales from growing up in Ireland and the likes. Out in March I think. Perfect for your Paddy’s Day celebrations. Prepare for

RanDumb On!

Blogaruu! Jamaduu. It’s been too long. I have been busy. Editing this new book. Almost done. Gibbering aboot. Book fairs and the likes. And. Shooting some RanDumb stuff to show some TV people and the likes. Mighty hoot. Here are a few photos. Still going. More the merrier. As a wise man once said: You

LonDumb – Part IV (Or… Kneed A Dwarf In The Face.)

(Continuing on from… LonDumb – Part I LonDumb – Part II LonDumb – Part III) Parklife – Blur “Want some skunk geezer?” Pardon? “Some skunk?” Do I want a skunk? “Yeah. Want to buy?” Why would I buy a skunk? “You being funny?” Am I being funny? “You is being funny, pretty boy.” Oh Jesus. So I get


Aug 21, 2012Art, Hollywood, LA Living, Mark Hayes, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumb, Writing2 Comments

Sit Down – James “For most writers, there is always a tension between a lived life and a life of writing.” A Hodgkinson Fair point. So after being a hermit for a while, the past two weeks have been spent galavanting. Full. On. Fun! Unfortunately little time spent blogaruuing. Luckily. A picture paints a thousand


Hollywood (Felix Da Housecat Remix) – Penguin Prison Off the top of my head I can only think of two things:

You’re F**King Joking Me?

What’s Going On? – Marvin Gaye So the other day I got this wonderful letter in the post from a blogaruu reader which I thought I would reply to… ‘Howdy, Just wanted to say great hair! Also. What have you been up to lately? Goodbye for now, Murk Waters.’ Howdy yourself, Murk Waters, great to

The Wizard Of Oz!

May 28, 2012Book, Ireland, Mark Hayes, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumber, Writing0 Comments

Down Under – Men At Work Mighty weekend. Sold a pair of signed Pants Off… RanDumber On! underwear Merkandise for $70. (The standard has been set!. Shop on!) And some fine folk sent me a scan of this RanDumber review. First one in an Australian newspaper that I know of. Going down under! All the

Hello, Ian…

Hello, Ian…

Nov 02, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing0 Comments

Handle With Care – Traveling Wilburys So the other day I walked into the doctor’s and said: Hello, doctor Ian, I have this slight cough for a while now, can you- Say no more, he said, just drop the pants, jump up on the bed, lie on your side and we’ll take a look.  Down

Yeah… Gay Porn.

Sep 14, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, More Music!!!, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Cornflake Boy (Solomun Vocal Remix) - Marbert Rocel So earlier today I had a mighty meeting. Mighty man. Who also just happens to be a tres successful producer. TV. Movies. All those kind of likes. Mighty mighty! First time in  Soho House too. Savage venue. Plush. Lush. Gush… I could go on and on about the

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