
Tags: Editing

Bad Ass Betty

Nov 08, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, RanDumber4 Comments

Black Betty – Ram Jam So the other day I rode a horse. Bam-a-lam Her name was Betty. Bam-a-lam And I rode her well. Bam-a-lam Great horse. Bam-A-lam Very bad ass. Bam-a-lam Clippity clop. Bam-A-lam Kept stopping for plippity plop. Bam-BA-lam! Oh brown Betty, the damn thing was wild. Betty was her actual name too,

Busy, Fool? Nope. Pity Fool.

Apr 02, 2010Uncategorized0 Comments

White pudding. Black pudding. Slightly different. At the same time. Both pudding. Today reminded me of this fact. Lined up to be a mighty day. By mighty, I mean productive. Being an ediot looks like it could be over. For the time being. Final edits of the book emailed in yesterday. Probably no more. That’s

Umm. Yeah. Yum.

Mar 30, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

Use it. Or lose it. For the past week, I have definitely lost it. Gym. Shave. Blog. Not much of any going on. Lazy. Ran out of shaving gel. And more laziness. Blog has been a dry empty barren desert. Which is surprising. Seeing as a fair old whack has been chugging along. Such as

Naked Fat Man. Please. Sit Down.

Mar 04, 2010Uncategorized0 Comments

For arguments sake, let’s just imagine that my head is a room. At the moment, it’s bare. Empty. Really empty. Hard to imagine such a thing, with regards to my head, I know, but try. Anyways, all the furniture has been taken out. Except for one chair. In the middle of the room. And one guy, who’s


Mar 02, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Brief blogaruu. Update you might say. An announcement. Drum roll. Re de de. The title of my upcoming book shall be… RANDUMB. Giddy up! I wasn’t sure if I was meant to keep it underwraps or not. Should’ve asked sooner I suppose. I have been informed to set her free. Just in case, she’s been

Fine. I’ll Comb It.

Feb 25, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing6 Comments

Who wants to hear a ridiculously pointless story?! Ah well, it’s not ridiculously pointless. Ah well, it actually is. Maybe not completely pointless. To one person. Probably just the one. Probably. Although if you are one of the many people who have ever felt the need to insist I should comb my hair, maybe you