
Tags: Jerry Seinfeld

RanDumber. Out Now. Free Book! Happy St. Pa’Tricks Day!

Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners I am quite giddy and also quite tired but both and neither matter. What matters is that RanDumber being available to buy online on Paddy’s Day is now a reality. Oh. Betsy. Dancing! Some day! HAPPY ST. PA’TRICKS HAYES ALL THE WAY!!! As it stands, it’s available to

And Now… Balls

And Now… Balls

Dec 01, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

In Love, Not Limbo – Of Oceans Usually, around this time of year, you might hear the following conversation… Brida - Seamas - How orr you? Era shur… Gearing up for the holidays? Era shur… Ah to be sure? Era shur. Divil a bit, divil a bit. So usually you would hear that conversation an

Milk And Sugar, Orgy Joe?

Dec 31, 2009LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings0 Comments

Is it just me or do far too many people become far too profound at this time of year. And by become, I mean try to be. As if they must spit out the words before the year ends. Must end it on a profound note! Because… no clue why they get the urge. Especially

Some Laugh!

Some Laugh!

Apr 29, 2009LA Living0 Comments

Everyone had me well pre-warned about my stand-up debut… My first time would be horrendous no matter what, just enjoy it sort of thing. Era shur that’s just like the first time I had… I won’t even bother, those jokes are too easy even for the likes of me.  In preparation for the debut, I