Tags: Kool & The Gang
The Wizard Of Oz!
Down Under – Men At Work Mighty weekend. Sold a pair of signed Pants Off… RanDumber On! underwear Merkandise for $70. (The standard has been set!. Shop on!) And some fine folk sent me a scan of this RanDumber review. First one in an Australian newspaper that I know of. Going down under! All the
RanDumber. Out Now. Free Book! Happy St. Pa’Tricks Day!
Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners I am quite giddy and also quite tired but both and neither matter. What matters is that RanDumber being available to buy online on Paddy’s Day is now a reality. Oh. Betsy. Dancing! Some day! HAPPY ST. PA’TRICKS HAYES ALL THE WAY!!! As it stands, it’s available to
Just The Tip O’ The, I Swear…
End of the year. Wuu. Great time. People copying and pasting inspirational quotes all over the place. So that’s deep and profound. Also a wonderful time of year for people feeling an immense desire to give you their Best of Year Lists. Top 100 Moments of 2011! Top 84 Songs of the Year! Top 34 of