
Tags: Love

Come On You Boys & Girls In Green…

Come On You Boys & Girls In Green…

Everybody’s Gotta Live – Love Ever look out the window and wonder who was the handsome feck staring back at you and then you realise that the window is actually a mirror??! That happened. Ever been DJigging and a randumb Irish guy comes up to you to say “Are you the guy from Cork? Your

#15 – Valentine’s Day Joke

#15 – Valentine’s Day Joke

Wrote a mighty poem today. Felt it should be shared. Things went weird. Blacked out. Woke up. Heard the door shut. Fecking. Milkman: Joke of the Day – Wahey! My Wonderful Book: Click! Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (With Kiki Dee) – Elton John Walk – Foo Fighters  

Oh Sweet Jesus… Why Am I Singing?!

Oh Sweet Jesus… Why Am I Singing?!

Oct 27, 2010Ireland, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing2 Comments

Just Walkin’ In The Rain - The Prisonaires On the upside… I think I’m in love! Funk me pink… I am! I’m in love. Monday truly was a mighty day! On the downside… Currently waging a war against an army of ailments. Pretty sure I might be allergic to the flu. Keep sneezing when I’m around my