
Tags: Prize

And The Kinner Is… (Kindle Winner. Thank You.)

Dec 20, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, RanDumber, Writing4 Comments

Miss You (ESTAW Fix) – Foster The People Ever read the quote this? Don’t major in the minor. Well, either way you just did. Good old quote, to be true. Don’t get hung up on the small things, I do suppose. Which is why I’ll keep this blogaruu all about who’s won the Kindle and not

WINDLE! (Win A Kindle. Thank You.)

Dec 13, 2011Writing0 Comments

Flagpole Sitta - Harvey Danger Mighty times, blogaruu readers. Competition. Christmas. Santa. Baby. Jingles. All that horse gibber. Slightly earlier than originally planned but I forgot how dodge posting things is this time of year. Better if the winner gets it in time for Jesús’ birthday. Anyway, up for grabs for one mighty blogaruu reader is

Book Bonanza! Reading Extravaganza!!!

Feb 18, 2011Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing2 Comments

Resurrection – PPK Anyone want some free books? Tricks Hayes Giveaway! Ordered a flurry last week off Amazon. Next day delivery! Next day. No delivery. Next week!? No delivery. Amazon swore: We delivery’ed. Apartment security checked CCTV cameras. Informed me that a gang of ‘mysterious, elderly, bag-carrying women’ appear to have stolen the books. Ok? Mighty. Re-ordered. Next