
Tags: Rudebox Radio

Just The Tip O’ The, I Swear…

Just The Tip O’ The, I Swear…

End of the year. Wuu. Great time. People copying and pasting inspirational quotes all over the place. So that’s deep and profound.  Also a wonderful time of year for people feeling an immense desire to give you their Best of Year Lists. Top 100 Moments of 2011! Top 84 Songs of the Year! Top 34 of

Ehh… Christmas Clothes.

Nov 10, 2011LA Living, Music, Podcast, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, RanDumber0 Comments

I Got The – Labi Siffre Sometimes I like to just go for a cruise and think about the Dutch way of life. Not sure why. Other times I like to go up to Mulholland Drive and gibbering along on my buddy’s podcast. So here is episode two of that! (Apologies. Horrendous. Ha.) I do

Rudebox Radio!

Oct 08, 2011Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Podcast, Randumb Book, Writing6 Comments

Fine folk of le blogaruu! Have a listen to me being interview gibbered by Robbo Williams about my book RanDumb as part of his new show Rudebox Radio. My drone comes in around the 63 minute mark. Just before Gary Barlow. Listen on! Duu… Read more from Robbo -> Go down, say some words… Bang!