
Tags: Struggles

Oh Dear Pod…

Nov 24, 2010LA Living, Podcast, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book0 Comments

In the past two days I have been spilling far too many items. Cups of coffee. Glasses of water. Jugs of milk. Bottles of detergent. Big old pot of boiling soup. All over my hand. The most fun of the lot. Spilling. Everything and everywhere I go. Making me think that perhaps my mind is

Check. Please. Balls.

May 06, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

I’m a big fan of finding a gem of a song. Particularly if it’s a mostly unknown beast. Although I won’t lie. At times, I like to keep them a secret. Shh. Unleash during a DJig perhaps. Dodging and ducking trainspotters. Out with their phones. Ready to scribble down. Which song? This song? Or the