Tags: The Adventures of an Irish Guy in LA
Comic Conned
Should I stay or should I go? Daily conundrum I’ve been having in LA for the past five or six years (time flies when you’re being dumb). Stay at home or go to this event and see how it goes. Event in question this time was Comic Con in San Diego, specifically the new Star
Hollywood Hayes – Regrets
Regrets, I’ve had a few, so few I can mention them all. First, that time a girl was greeting me with a hug but I thought she was trying to kiss me so I closed my eyes and went for it/head-butted her. Second, the time I tried to bleach my hair. Finally, chugging a
Hollywood Hayes – Homesick
“Do you miss Ireland? Would you ever move back? Are you homesick? Come on, move on home!” is something Irish folk (my parents) ask me all the time. My answer is always the same: Nah. Except, there were three times I did wish I was back home. Like that time I ran out of money.
Hollywood Hayes – Friendly or Gay?
Hard to tell in LA if most of the sound guys who I meet out happen to be gay or if gay guys are just sound to me. That’s the trouble here trying to make friends. You try to be open but never quite sure what the ulterior motive is. Take last Saturday. I’m DJing
Hollywood Hayes – Old People
You see a lot of things in West Hollywood. Today, for example, I saw a hefty, blimp shaped man wearing nothing but a long brown wig and pink thong bikini while cycling his bicycle. Always nice when you’re strolling to the shop for milk. Hardly ever see old people here, though. Not like the sweet
Weekend at Bernie’s
Running Up That Hill (Louis La Roche Remix) – Kate Bush Some things in L.A appear will never change. Not unless I do, anyway. Such as, people calling me by the wrong name over and over. Ever growing list at this stage. The usuals still apply. Merrick. Eric. Omar. Moved on a lot to Merk.
Sit Down – James “For most writers, there is always a tension between a lived life and a life of writing.” A Hodgkinson Fair point. So after being a hermit for a while, the past two weeks have been spent galavanting. Full. On. Fun! Unfortunately little time spent blogaruuing. Luckily. A picture paints a thousand
My Bleak Week.
July – Mundy Bleak. Reek. Eek. What a week. Funk me, eh, peek. So I’m out Sunday night doing stand-up in a placed called Flappers out in Burbank. Sound people in charge. No apeness. No ridiculousness going on back stage. All good. First time doing a gay centric show. Didn’t realise it was one until
Bang. Bang. Ba. Ng.
Roxanne – Strange Talk Birthday. Birthmonth. Bert on! Beach. Party. Celebration. Malibu. Malibooze. Maliboobs! Paradise. Cove. Kaw. Bird. Shrimp. Wine. Cocktails. Lounge chairs. Hi life. Hello living. Drink. Glass. My. Hand. Gulp. Pause. Laugh. Another drin- Plop. Huh? Seagull. Kaw. Kaw. KAAWW! Flying. Attacking. Dropping. Dumping. Plopping. Into. Glass. Hand. Mine. Dunk. Lucky? Me! So
What Do You Call An Irish Guy Who…
Tonight (Original Mix) (feat. Maja Ivarsson) – Felix Cartal Also. Here’s a mighty