Tags: The Beatles
#9 – Bicycle Joke
So I was given an option: Read through RanDumber one last time and fine comb e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e w.o.r.d a.n.d l.e.t.t.e.r t.o m.a.k.e s.u.r.e i.t i.s p.e.r.f.e.c.t? Or. Just say nah, trust the editors and let it loose. Hmm. What to do? Will my self-diagnosed OCD let me sleep easy if I say let it loose?
#8 – Barry The Butcher Joke
Never too late for number eight, you know what to say: Joke of the Day – Wahey! Know It’s Right – Carousel
#7 – Parrot Joke
Just read this on Twitter… Your weariness is not an excuse to quit. It is a confirmation that you’re making progress. Wise words to mull over as you watch today’s video. Let’s just say I’m feeling progressive? Long but mighty night unfortunately mixed with a très early morn!! And apparently my name was also drip-dropped
#6 – Dublin Joke
And we’re back! Six of the best. Still going strong: Joke of the Day – Wahey! Henrietta – The Fratellis
Hello, Ian…
Handle With Care – Traveling Wilburys So the other day I walked into the doctor’s and said: Hello, doctor Ian, I have this slight cough for a while now, can you- Say no more, he said, just drop the pants, jump up on the bed, lie on your side and we’ll take a look. Down