Tags: Wedding
Sheep. Strawberries. And. Pat.
Chigadaging - Ukulélé Club de Paris “It’s just great that you’re back!” Yeah, mighty! “How was the flight? What did you eat? Have you eaten? What would you like to eat? I have chicken, turkey, ham, steak-” Mum… “Oh right, something healthier? I have salad, salmon, sea bass-” No, Mum… Mum. “We could get something else
Which? Shuu!
As far as weekends go, this one has been pretty different. Break from the abnorm. Different location. San Fran. Different buzz. Cousin’s wedding. Different group. All Irish. Almost. All family. Almost. Big crowd made the trip from Irland. Smugglers. Bags of tea. Bottles of fake tan. Hello old foe. Different. Mighty. My parents were over.
The Ungrateful Living
Haven’t blogaruu’d for a few days. Withdrawal symptoms. Pretty sure it’s being keeping you awake at night as well. Wondering why so. Pretty sure. Pre-tty sure. Sure. Not writing for more than two days kind of gets me a tad freaked though. Use it or you may just lose it. Or some gibberish like that.