Tags: Mansion
Muck Man vs The Adonis
Dear Dairy, How are you today? I am good. That is nice. Long time no gibber. Hope you’re not sour. It’s been a month since we spoke last. So much gibber to flow. Where to start? Yesterday a guy at the coffee shop called out my name as Muck when my coffee was ready. Muck?! WhatREAD MORE
Tropical Hayes!
For reasons unknown, all names shall be culled from this blogaruu. Except for mine. I’m going full on narcissistic. Tropical Hayes all the way! So it’s the day after Halloween. Actually, the night. Limo pulls up outside my abode. It’s time. Put on my private jet pants. Grab my bag. Scuttle out. Hop in. High fives.READ MORE
Sit Down – James “For most writers, there is always a tension between a lived life and a life of writing.” A Hodgkinson Fair point. So after being a hermit for a while, the past two weeks have been spent galavanting. Full. On. Fun! Unfortunately little time spent blogaruuing. Luckily. A picture paints a thousandREAD MORE
Come On You Boys & Girls In Green…
Everybody’s Gotta Live – Love Ever look out the window and wonder who was the handsome feck staring back at you and then you realise that the window is actually a mirror??! That happened. Ever been DJigging and a randumb Irish guy comes up to you to say “Are you the guy from Cork? YourREAD MORE
The Death Of Pointless Notes
Two age old conundrums which have confused apes for never: Which is more important, petrol or cake? Tough one. Good one. And the other… What does a bucket and a chariot have in common? That is a tad easier. Starts with an M and ends with an ape. Wuu. Lucky them! If you have beenREAD MORE
Duh Dumb Diddle Daddle…
Just to be clear: Here is a dumb diddle daddle on how the dumb diddle daddle. Seriously. Alright. You’re smart. We know this. You’re quite aware of the fact that there’s a lot of dumbness floating aboot the air. Out there. Real world. Daily life. Every single day. Every single way. All could and should beREAD MORE