Tags: Mingling

Boys Town To Manhattan!

New York New York – Frank Sinatra So I land. Collect my bag. Walk out the airport doors. Cross the zebra crossing. And hear a guy stuck in traffic shouting at me out of his mini van window. “Welcome to New York, you’re going to rock it in this city, am I right?!” Before I

Bang. Bang. Ba. Ng.

Bang. Bang. Ba. Ng.

Roxanne – Strange Talk Birthday. Birthmonth. Bert on! Beach. Party. Celebration. Malibu. Malibooze. Maliboobs! Paradise. Cove. Kaw. Bird. Shrimp. Wine. Cocktails. Lounge chairs. Hi life. Hello living. Drink. Glass. My. Hand. Gulp. Pause. Laugh. Another drin- Plop. Huh? Seagull. Kaw. Kaw. KAAWW! Flying. Attacking. Dropping. Dumping. Plopping. Into. Glass. Hand. Mine. Dunk. Lucky? Me! So

I’d Shake Your Hand, But…

Jun 24, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Today has been ridiculously long. Especially seeing as I had no alarm this morning to wake me up. Instead, and a smarter option looking back, I just kept waking up every two minutes throughout the night, in fear I had slept in. A magnificent sleep. Thankfully, I managed to make it on time to the