Tags: Youtube
My Piece of Crap Joke #19 (Also: Edit)
Float – KO KO Ever get into a machine mode? As in you are Charlie Sheen’s Mum? (Ma Sheen. Get it? Hilarious.) Today was one of those days. Mighty. Dawn to dawn. (Nice girl.) Got some amount of buckets of work done. As in… Well, nothing concrete that I will bore you with now. But,
#16 – Steak Joke
Need You Tonight – Inxs Alright. Calm down. Part III on the way. Tad busy today. Until my write is on, why not laugh heartily along to some steak humour: Joke of the Day – Wahey! Read My First Wonderful Book – RanDumb: GO HERE!
#15 – Valentine’s Day Joke
Wrote a mighty poem today. Felt it should be shared. Things went weird. Blacked out. Woke up. Heard the door shut. Fecking. Milkman: Joke of the Day – Wahey! My Wonderful Book: Click! Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (With Kiki Dee) – Elton John Walk – Foo Fighters
#14 – Forgot The Joke Joke
So… The other day I got a mighty video review on Amazon. Tut. Sorry. So… First ever video review. Made me laugh. A lot. So… Here’s my video response. First ever one so please bear with me. I did also kind of forget to tell a joke. Isn’t that hilarious!?! Ha. Hm. You just never
#13 – The Librarian Joke
Great vague news: Mighty day! Wuu huu wahey. White abyss. Over. But enough about that gibber that makes little sense unless you live in my head. Mighty place. Back to the good stuff, the gold, the honey, the marbles: Joke of the Day – Wahey! Wild Ones (Shoe Scene Symphony Remix) – Sia Lost
#12 – Italian Joke
Busy day. Still waiting on final confirmation before chapters get horsed up. Until then let us enjoy another absolutely wonderful video: Joke of the Day – Wahey! All Those Moments (Marek Hemmann Remix) – Moornyc
#11 – Fast Joke
Quick one today. And by quick, I mean horren- Enjoy: Joke of the Day – Wahey! This Head I Hold – Electric Guest
#10 – Shin Joke
Now then. Great news. Spent the weekend reading RanDumber. Top to bottom. Inside. Out. Trout. Mouth. And. Now. She. Is. Done. So. Wuu. Huu. And. Duu! On that note… Who would like to read some teaser chapters?? First off – Ten and then!?! She’s back: Joke of the Day – Wahey! I Want To Break
#9 – Bicycle Joke
So I was given an option: Read through RanDumber one last time and fine comb e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e w.o.r.d a.n.d l.e.t.t.e.r t.o m.a.k.e s.u.r.e i.t i.s p.e.r.f.e.c.t? Or. Just say nah, trust the editors and let it loose. Hmm. What to do? Will my self-diagnosed OCD let me sleep easy if I say let it loose?
#8 – Barry The Butcher Joke
Never too late for number eight, you know what to say: Joke of the Day – Wahey! Know It’s Right – Carousel