
Tags: Dumb

Make Art! So… We Did.

Sep 28, 2010Art, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing4 Comments

Time (We Plants Are Happy Plants Remix) – Hans Zimmer Once again, my bad. Blogaruu has been on the back of milk cartons. Search parties were out. Knocking on doors. Week on the missing list. Mighty news… She’s finally returned! Wuu huu, says you. Welcome home you ape! In a feeble attempt to make up

Enough Talk, More Music!!!

DJigging can be quite perky. Lately I’ve been getting a fair bit of stuff. Free stuff. Wallets. Bags. Runners. Jeans. T-shirts! Perk up. Free on! Between you and I, I also got something else recently… No, not one of them… Merely a brain cloud. Wuu! I joke. Not a fan. Gladly swap for an hour long

Duh Dumb Diddle Daddle…

Sep 01, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up, Writing4 Comments

Just to be clear: Here is a dumb diddle daddle on how the dumb diddle daddle. Seriously. Alright. You’re smart. We know this. You’re quite aware of the fact that there’s a lot of dumbness floating aboot the air. Out there. Real world. Daily life. Every single day. Every single way. All could and should be

Drowning Clowns And Gay Bears

Aug 13, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Stand-Up4 Comments

Three things you may or may not know: Clowns run comedy stores. Gay bears are actually a good laugh. And. Not all jokes are funny. Last one might be a bit too obvious. What else have I discovered in the last 24 hours that you might not know… A bottle of Absolut vodka costs $15 in

Sea! No Hangover…

Jul 14, 2010LA Living, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Woke up. Stood up. Swaying. Big time. Bounced off one wall. Slid into the bathroom. Drunk? Eh. Hungover? No. Should be. Thankfully. Not in the slightest. Just a tad tired. Drink all the fruity Merlins, Jerk and Merkatinis cocktails that I can come up with. Hangovers don’t exist in the land I’m in now. Figured

Woke Up In A… Holy Funk

Jun 27, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book3 Comments

Fun. Here to be had. Overflowing at times. Can too much fun be a bad thing? Eh, no. Last Thursday. Funny night. Disney rated blogaruu, so a few stories will have to wait for book two! Unless you buy me a pint someday and then I will tell you all aboot it. Oh look, you

Go Flow Go

May 17, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

A wise old owl once told me: Go with the flow. Seeing as when you do, random, dumb fun things can happen. Friday night, prime example. Last minute, off the cuff, unexpected, unplanned. All of the above. Smattered with hype. Not the greatest night or anything. Just random and quite dumb at times. Galavants are

Battered. Goats. Bruised. Monkeys.

Apr 12, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings2 Comments

Sunday nights. Fun times. Numerous reasons. Need to postpone one thing in particular for as long as I can. Gibber on. Sunday nights. Time to look over the weekly to-do list. Usual. See what I managed to get done. Tick. What I did not do. Tut. Pity. X. Then write in random pointless stuff not

Busy, Fool? Nope. Pity Fool.

Apr 02, 2010Uncategorized0 Comments

White pudding. Black pudding. Slightly different. At the same time. Both pudding. Today reminded me of this fact. Lined up to be a mighty day. By mighty, I mean productive. Being an ediot looks like it could be over. For the time being. Final edits of the book emailed in yesterday. Probably no more. That’s


Mar 02, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing4 Comments

Brief blogaruu. Update you might say. An announcement. Drum roll. Re de de. The title of my upcoming book shall be… RANDUMB. Giddy up! I wasn’t sure if I was meant to keep it underwraps or not. Should’ve asked sooner I suppose. I have been informed to set her free. Just in case, she’s been

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