Category: Enough Talk

Hollywood Hayes

Comic Conned

Should I stay or should I go? Daily conundrum I’ve been having in LA for the past five or six years (time flies when you’re being dumb). Stay at home or go to this event and see how it goes. Event in question this time was Comic Con in San Diego, specifically the new Star

Hollywood Hayes

Hollywood Hayes – Regrets

  Regrets, I’ve had a few, so few I can mention them all. First, that time a girl was greeting me with a hug but I thought she was trying to kiss me so I closed my eyes and went for it/head-butted her. Second, the time I tried to bleach my hair. Finally, chugging a


Hollywood (Felix Da Housecat Remix) – Penguin Prison Off the top of my head I can only think of two things:

Bang. Bang. Ba. Ng.

Bang. Bang. Ba. Ng.

Roxanne – Strange Talk Birthday. Birthmonth. Bert on! Beach. Party. Celebration. Malibu. Malibooze. Maliboobs! Paradise. Cove. Kaw. Bird. Shrimp. Wine. Cocktails. Lounge chairs. Hi life. Hello living. Drink. Glass. My. Hand. Gulp. Pause. Laugh. Another drin- Plop. Huh? Seagull. Kaw. Kaw. KAAWW! Flying. Attacking. Dropping. Dumping. Plopping. Into. Glass. Hand. Mine. Dunk. Lucky? Me! So

You’re F**King Joking Me?

What’s Going On? – Marvin Gaye So the other day I got this wonderful letter in the post from a blogaruu reader which I thought I would reply to… ‘Howdy, Just wanted to say great hair! Also. What have you been up to lately? Goodbye for now, Murk Waters.’ Howdy yourself, Murk Waters, great to

Just The Tip O’ The, I Swear…

Just The Tip O’ The, I Swear…

End of the year. Wuu. Great time. People copying and pasting inspirational quotes all over the place. So that’s deep and profound.  Also a wonderful time of year for people feeling an immense desire to give you their Best of Year Lists. Top 100 Moments of 2011! Top 84 Songs of the Year! Top 34 of

Jiggling Jugs!

May 24, 2011Enough Talk, Hollywood, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

No Diggity – Chet Faker  Tough week. Realised a few things. Such as: My ability to make women puke is still going strong. Take yesterday. Setting up to DJig. Girl comes over to me. Big. Drunk. Mexican. (Big as in overweight. Drunk as in demented. Mexican as in Meximerican.) Stands in front of me. Starts

Tip Of The Night. Top Of The Morn!

Better late than never. My top songs of the blogaruu from 2010. Not that they were released in 2010. Just that I used them at some stage in the blog. Either I really like the song. Or. I am a fan of the story that went along with it. So.. Song. Which blogaruu. And a

Wingless Wonder

Dec 08, 2010Enough Talk, LA Living, Podcast, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book0 Comments

My ability to blogaruu is currently being hampered by other projects. And perhaps a 3-day hangover to boot. Ugh boots off. Projects on! Good few stories building too. Laziness is a divil. Go on the VIP at the Lakers! She shall come. For now. Pod on, pod on, pod on pod on pod on pod on



Nov 09, 2010Acting, Art, Enough Talk, LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings, Randumb Book, Writing2 Comments

Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution – AC/DC Does anyone remember my German teacher’s name in secondary school? Slightly odd German lady? Anyways, back when I can’t fully remember, I had a German exam in school. Questions and essay. Took my time. Didn’t want to rush. Get the essay word for word perfect. Make

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