
Tags: Vampire Weekend

Tip Of The Night. Top Of The Morn!

Better late than never. My top songs of the blogaruu from 2010. Not that they were released in 2010. Just that I used them at some stage in the blog. Either I really like the song. Or. I am a fan of the story that went along with it. So.. Song. Which blogaruu. And a

The Zebra Effect

Feb 23, 2010LA Living, Music, Random Ramblings3 Comments

Have you ever wondered what happens if you cross an ape with a zebra? Obviously you have. Although I myself have not. However. Oddly. I got to find out. Kind of bizarre. Not bizarre in a zebrape, hybrid kind of way. Bizarre in a no-way-did-that-just-happen, kind of way. So bizarre I actually forgot it happened. Thank

Which? Shuu!

Feb 15, 2010Ireland, Music, Random Ramblings1 Comments

As far as weekends go, this one has been pretty different. Break from the abnorm. Different location. San Fran. Different buzz. Cousin’s wedding. Different group. All Irish. Almost. All family. Almost. Big crowd made the trip from Irland. Smugglers. Bags of tea. Bottles of fake tan. Hello old foe. Different. Mighty. My parents were over.

Stand Under It? I Don’t… Oh Right.

Nov 18, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

Something happened yesterday that still has me baffled. I don’t really know how it happened. Or if it was my fault or not. I just know that it happened. Don’t really understand it though. This has led to a flood of other things cropping up in my head which have occurred recently where even though

As I Sat At My Desk…

As I Sat At My Desk…

Oct 05, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

… I pondered, ‘Why the funk am I having thoughts in the form of paragraphs, as if I’m reading them out of a book?’ For about a week, I have been catching myself thinking long, continuous thoughts. Fully formed sentence after fully formed sentence. As if they were written down. Except there is no book

The Big L.C

Aug 13, 2009Uncategorized4 Comments

Today, I had a bit of an epiphany. While out for lunch celebrating my sister’s Leaving Cert results, as I realized what was going on around me, I finally saw the funny side of how my life is panning out at the moment. Pretty funking funny. To me, at least. Laugh at, laugh with, laughable?

Chimping Away

Chimping Away

Jul 01, 2009Music, Random Ramblings, Writing2 Comments

I do believe that more people in Ireland should be on Twitter. And here is why… the number one question I have been asked in a hurry, since I got home, has been – “Are you on Meteor?” (For any none Irish readers, Meteor customers get free phone calls and texts to each other). I

No Complaints

No Complaints

Jun 04, 2009Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

After my stupidly cocky sentence yesterday – along the lines of me flying with the writing, should be finished today, I am so productive, I managed to do a third of it in the last few hours, I am brilliant – the inevitable, was inevitably, going to happen. I accomplished bob all today. Well, compared

Horrendously Good Looking

Horrendously Good Looking

May 23, 2009Random Ramblings, Writing0 Comments

One day this week, I believe it was yesterday, not fully sure, I watched a random DVD. Something about going through the decades of music, and giving you the history of the era for each song or album that was the best or biggest hit at the time. I was running very low on procrastinating