Tags: The Continued Adventures of an Irish Guy in LA!
Hollywood Hayes – Homesick
“Do you miss Ireland? Would you ever move back? Are you homesick? Come on, move on home!” is something Irish folk (my parents) ask me all the time. My answer is always the same: Nah. Except, there were three times I did wish I was back home. Like that time I ran out of money.
Hollywood Hayes – Old People
You see a lot of things in West Hollywood. Today, for example, I saw a hefty, blimp shaped man wearing nothing but a long brown wig and pink thong bikini while cycling his bicycle. Always nice when you’re strolling to the shop for milk. Hardly ever see old people here, though. Not like the sweet
Ah For Book’s Sake! Podcast
New book related podcast. First episode’s guest is Mark Hayes, author of RanDumb: The Adventures of an Irish Guy in LA, RanDumber: The Continued Adventures of an Irish Guy in LA and new book PreDumb: Before I Came to LA.
RanDumber Hardback: Oooh yeaah! RanDumber US: Buy It! RanDumber UK: Go Here! RanDumb US: Click! RanDumb UK: Giddy Up! Closing Credits – Mason Daring
Ode My God…
Assassin’s Tango – John Powell Sweet Lord. Would you look at this. A mighty RanDummy (@Janebustard) has written a gem all about RanDumb. Some odyssey. Ode on! An Ode to RanDumb… Have you ever heard of Mark Hayes? He’s an Irish guy, lives in LA. He’s a writer of note And I’d give him my
Me. Naked. Leprechaun.
Lord of the Dance – Enya Oh Betsy. RanDumber is out. People are buying her. And she is being read. What a day. All together now… Mighty!!! To celebrate, here’s some video gibber… Also, just found out someone has now leaked the first five chapters in total. What what?! For feck’s sake… Might as
RanDumber. Out Now. Free Book! Happy St. Pa’Tricks Day!
Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners I am quite giddy and also quite tired but both and neither matter. What matters is that RanDumber being available to buy online on Paddy’s Day is now a reality. Oh. Betsy. Dancing! Some day! HAPPY ST. PA’TRICKS HAYES ALL THE WAY!!! As it stands, it’s available to
It Was All A Dream…
(This shall be the first part of a however-many-parts-it-takes-parter series about my recent mighty adventure to Heaven and Hell. Split it up. One blogaruu all on its own could be a tad long perhaps indeed. Read. On!) This Sweet Love (Prins Thomas Sneaky Edit) – James Yuill Like all mighty trips to heaven, I didn’t
Book Trailer. And… ANOTHER Leaked Chapter?!
Hello fine folk of le blogaruu. How are you? That’s nice. Just got back from the most mightiest trip ever. First stop was a blissful couple of weeks in heaven. (Private tropical island with miles and miles of pink sand, rum punches and no bodies.) Followed by a brief detour in hell. (Vegas. Stag party.
#15 – Valentine’s Day Joke
Wrote a mighty poem today. Felt it should be shared. Things went weird. Blacked out. Woke up. Heard the door shut. Fecking. Milkman: Joke of the Day – Wahey! My Wonderful Book: Click! Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (With Kiki Dee) – Elton John Walk – Foo Fighters